Sunday, October 7, 2012

Prayers for Monday

Specific prayer request for tomorrow - Jenny goes into the cardiologist for a stress test at 10:30, since the EKG indicated that there could be a blockage of the coronary artery. If there is a blockage, it will be confirmed by the stress test. We meet with the cardiologist at 1:00 to review the results. 

If there is not a blockage, then we will proceed with the brain surgery on Tuesday afternoon, otherwise, then we'll see what the next steps are to address that issue (a stint, roto-rooter house call, or other options) and we'll let you know what "ologist" we see next. 

Jenny's parents were able to come by for a visit, which was good for everyone.Wonderful day of worship and fellowship at the meeting this morning, thank you all for your support and prayers!


  1. Of course we will be praying. thank you for the update. Very grateful her parents are here. Love to you all.

  2. My knowledge of root-rooters is that they work well! I like it

  3. Ray, your humor in the midst of all of this is an amazing evidence of God's grace. Praying for you all!

    And my vote for a great comedy movie is What About Bob?
