Friday, November 15, 2013

Scheduled for the Duke Consult

We have a consultation scheduled with the Brain Cancer Center at Duke on December the 11th. The first week of December, Jenny has her MRI, treatment, and meeting with our Oncologist here in Charlotte. Then we will go to Duke for an initial consultation, and if there is a possibility of being involved in the Polio Trial, then we'll stay for a second day. 

Jenny is back from the cruise, she had a wonderful time!

So, a few things to pray for...

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Believe it or not!

Here is a wonderful example of God's overwhelming grace that we enjoy: this morning, as I am sitting at my kitchen table having a cup of coffee, Jenny is somewhere off the coast of Cuba on a cruise ship! I am rejoicing this morning that God has provided this opportunity for Jenny and am amazed at His kindness that Jenny is doing so well that she is able to spend five days cruising around the Caribbean  

As I think about the 13 months since the cancer diagnosis, I would have never imagined that on Novemeber 10, 2013, Jenny would be able to enjoy such an adventure. Just another example of the overwhelming goodness of the God that we serve, where His blessings overflow the cup that we ask to be filled...

Isn't He good?

The next MRI is scheduled for December 5th, The paperwork has been completed and submitted for the Duke trial, we are just waiting on the pathology slides to be send over for their review. If all goes well, we are going to try and schedule a consultation visit the second week in December, so we can have one less MRI to do...

Thank you all for your prayers and support!