Thursday, October 25, 2012

Many Blessings

On the road on recovery from the surgery, there have been so many blessings that we have enjoyed, for the last couple of days, Jenny's parents have been able to be here with us, not only have that given us additional support but allowed us to connect with extended family. Having three generations in the house has caused me to reflect upon the many generations that have enjoyed their own blessings from the Lord. There have been many that have come before us, who the Lord has shown his mercy in both of our families. The reading from today included Psalm 52, that says: 

[8] But I am like a green olive tree
in the house of God.
I trust in the steadfast love of God forever and ever.
[9] I will thank you forever,
because you have done it.
I will wait for your name, for it is good, in the presence of the godly.

Jenny has a few days off from appointments and doctor visits. The next visit is next Wednesday with the radiation oncologist. The chemo pills arrived via fed-ex today, a little reminder of the days ahead, I put then high in a cabinet, on the back of the shelf, and closed the door. There will be time enough for that, for today " it is good,in the presence of the godly"


  1. You are so right, Ray. The connectedness with family is such a gift - both in the natural and the spiritual. I pray God's blessing and protection over the multi-generational conversations and contacts occuring in your home. This is surely a sacred time for all of you.

    Sending much love and many, many prayers your way today.

  2. His mercies are new each morning- amen! Thank you for the updates...they continue to encourage us and direct our prayers. We love you Mulligans!

  3. Just want to let you know that you are always near to our hearts and prayers are spoken for you daily. None of us were meant to go through trials alone and it is so evident that God has provided so many friends and family to come walk alongside you. What a mighty God we serve! Love, love love you!!!!!

    Denny & Tammy
