Thursday, October 10, 2013

Great News - Another Clean MRI

Just got back from the Doctor's appointment, and the MRI did not show any sign of growth! So another great report. We will continue to get additional information on the trials being run at Duke, but we have some additional time to learn more. 

Thanks so much for your prayers and support, God continues to provide us the grace we require daily and we are rejoicing in Him!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Meeting Tomorrow - We would appreciate your prayers

Jenny had an MRI done today, we go in tomorrow to view the results. We are also going to talk about the potential of Jenny enrolling in a trial the is currently underway at Duke Medical Center. The trial involves injecting the Polio virus into the tumor. It has shown some degree of promise in the very limited number of patients that have received the treatment. Please pray that we have clarity about pursuing this treatment. I will publish an update tomorrow with the results of the MRI...
