Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Update on Duke Trial

We sent the latest MRI to Duke for them to review, which they did yesterday. There is a 1 cm minimum size that the tumor has to be in order for them to consider anyone for the trial, Jenny does not meet this criteria, so we will discuss options with the oncologist here in Charlotte on Thursday.

Thanks for your prayers and support, just wanted to keep everyone informed... 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

MRI Results and Next Steps

Jenny had another MRI performed yesterday and we met with her oncologist today to discuss the results:

The MRI shows some signs of new tumor growth, not enormous, but detectable. This was not want we wanted, but what we expected, given her symptoms that we have observed over the last few weeks. 

So, now we will send the latest MRI up to Duke and see if she now qualifies for the polio vaccine trial.  This may involve further testing and it is not clear if she is a good candidate or not. If she does not qualify for the trail, we will try a different type of chemo (pill based) to see if that will help limit the tumor's ability to grow.  

She had a great time this week-end with some very long-time friends from the DC area, everyone was encouraged by their fellowship and God's loving care that he provides to us through dear friends. 

I thought that I would add one of our Christmas photos, since we were not that good at getting all of our Christmas cards out this year:

Thanks for your continued prayers, pray for us to have wisdom during this time of decision making, and that we could bring glory to God in the process...

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Some Discouraging Developments

Over the last few weeks we have noticed that Jenny had gotten noticeably weaker and having a harder time with some routine tasks, especially if they involved remembering things. She has also communicated that she was losing some of her feeling in her right hand and foot. None of these were very encouraging developments. 

At today's visit, the Doctor confirmed our concerns and scheduled an MRI for next week to take a look at what is going on in Jenny's head. 

If you could pray for grace for all of us, as we transition to a greater level of daily care for Jenny and each other. Pray specially for Jenny, that she would not be discouraged and overwhelmed by this new set of physical obstacles. 

We will let you know how the MRI goes next week. We so appreciate all of your care and prayers for us.