Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Getting Up-to-Speed

I realize now that many of you don't have the background of what we have learned since last Thursday. So, here is the short version:

  • Jenny had been having headaches and some disorientation for the last couple of months
  • Two weeks ago we had blood test done with nothing found, last Thursday, Jenny then went in for an MRI, they found a large brain tumor
  • The cancer is a type that is not curable. It can be slowed down by surgery, radiation, and chemo, but it's ultimate impact cannot be medically handled. So, it is terminal, unless God decides to intervene.

We only have had a few days to take all of this in, and I know is a shock even thinking about Jenny and this prognosis at the same time, but God is still on His throne in heaven and perfectly managing all things. We are taking it a day at a time, realizing that His mercies are new every morning.


  1. Thanks Ray for sharing this. We are going to be praying for healing and a miracle. You guys are love in Ohio!

  2. oh man. my heart is aching for you all. I am and will be praying a lot for you.
    we have an unshakeable and certain anchor of the soul and His name is Jesus Christ. I pray God's promises to His children in Romans 8 bring fresh comfort to you all during this time!

  3. It's been nineteen years since I was told I had two months to live--no treatment, no cure. I was eager to join my Lord (Heaven in two months? Whoo hoo!), but He insisted I stay here longer. HE determines the number of our days, and Him alone. If we go or if we stay, we win! (I'm writing a letter to the specialist at the Mayo Clinic to tell him, "Remember me? I'm not dead. I wasn't kidding when I let you know God's will trumps science."

    Going through all that was a tremdous opportunity to witness to medical professionals who are used to people in despair after such a prognosis. I was able to tell them, "If you give something away, you no longer have a say in what happens to it. If you try to maintain some ownership, then you didn't truly, honestly give it away. I gave my life to Jesus when I was young, so, if I live or die is not my problem because this isn't MY life, it's HIS!" Over the years I had several say to me, "You definitely have something REAL. You're different from all the other patients--what is it that gives you this peace and joy when your prognosis is so awful and you're in such pain?" JESUS!

    Having lived through this, no matter what, TRUST GOD and take every, single opportunity to share Him with others. I figured that if I was dying, I wanted to take as many people to heaven with me as I could. People who would scoff under any other circumstances will listen when they see how God carries us through a crisis. There's an amazing opportunity to reach them through this!

  4. A friend of mine (Summer Yarbrough) posted this link on her FB page. I will be praying for you all! Have you ever researched the Gerson Therapy (link below)? At their clinic, they treat every kind of cancer and have cured everyone who followed their plan. It is amazing how God designed the body to heal! I will pray that you have the wisdom and faith to do whatever treatment God leads you to. Ultimately, ONLY God knows the time table for each of our lives and we can rest in that! Blessings!
