Friday, November 9, 2012

Why is it so hard to post a reply?

A number of you have shared that you had a hard time posting replies to this blog, well I think I figured out why it is so hard. It was set to only allow registered users to post, so you had to "sign up" before you could post. Well I took that off, so now anyone can post without having to sign into anything. Sorry about that, Jenny and I love to hear from each of you, it is so encouraging...


  1. Yippee! I'm so glad I can now post! I've been reading and following along...and praying...but have been unable to send you my love! I just assumed it was my typical techno-ignorance, which is not a far-fetched assumption.

    Ray, I think YOU are ministering more to me, by your faith-filled posts. You are helping us all deal with this, and I thank you. We are all struggling knowing that Jenny - and thereby your whole family - is suffering. We love her! And we love YOU! May God flood you with His supernatural grace, peace, rest, and strength. Sheryl Chandler

  2. Yayyy! Thank you for fixing this!! The Daly family have been with you in spirit and are so grateful for the grace that God is showering down on EACH of you. It is amazing the confidence He gives us through His power and love when we are at our weakest and most vulnerable. During my struggle through this surrender period when cancer entered my world, He sang right to me one day in the car. You probably know the song: " I love you more than the sun and the stars that I taught how to shine, you are mine and you shine for me too! I love you yesterday, and today, and tomorrow...I'll say it again and again -- I love you more!" Needless to say, I had to pull over due to my weeping. We also love you and await word if you need anything at all. Ray, you are a wonderful husband and dad and inspire the rest of us with each post. I am proud of you brother. Laura

  3. Ray & Jenny,
    The Holy Spirit constantly brings you to our minds and we pray. Your love of the Lord and his holy Word continues to be a testament to us. Thank you. Choosing to trust God in the midst of life's crises is the utmost challenge to those of us who profess Christianity. But it is also proof. You are an excellent example. May God continue to bless and strengthen you. Our prayers for Jenny's full recovery and restoration continue.

    With all our love, Joe & Lisa

  4. Just wanted to let you know Jenny that my women's Bible Study group asks about you weekly & we all continue to lift you up in prayer. Hugs, Cindy Ferris-Osborn

  5. Not sure if you guys have read this, but I couldn't help but think of you when I read it:

  6. Jenny & Family,

    Ray, thank you for exposing your heart and opening your home to all those that care through your posts! Your strength in our Lord and to your family are such an inspiration to all those prayerfully sharing in this journey. Thank you also for allowing me, and others to share our thoughts and to “reach” you and Jenny directly!

    You have all been in my thoughts and prayers for several weeks! I have prayed that you may be open to God’s will and that God will lift you all up in the palm of his hands when the load becomes too much to bear. “Normal” and “feeling well” are such relative concepts when a person is ill. There are so many things that healthy people take for granted daily – to sleep, to get out of bed, to be able to walk, to take a shower, to get dressed, to sit, to think…ALL are WONDEFUL gifts from our wonderful Creator, every day! May your love for God and each other sustain your family and especially Jenny. I know you know this, but it is work stating again, God is always good! His ways are not our ways. We are but instruments in his plan.

    From another person facing her mortality in a way “health people do not”, with the joy of eternity in mind, all my love.


  7. Hello Jenny and Ray,
    I am praying constantly for you guys. I am so grateful for the regular updates! Thanks Ray! I love you Jenny!
