Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Treatments - Day 2

The first day of treatments are over, the radiation appointment was at 1:00 yesterday afternoon, and then it will be at 7:00am for the next few days, then we move to a 9:30am slot for the remainder of the treatments (every week-day until December 18th). These treatments have little immediate effect on Jenny physically, but have a cumulative effect that builds over the 30 treatments.

Jenny took the first Chemo pills last night with the anti-nausea medicine, and was able to sleep pretty well and did not experience any major side effects, which will help me sleep better tonight, since I was apprehensive about how that was going to go last night, and didn't sleep very well myself (it might have had something to do with the election results as well...). 

Thank you for all of your prayers and support, I know that they are making a huge difference on Jenny's ability to walk through these next few weeks... 


  1. I praise God that Jenny is doing well! I will keep praying for this. I am so far away but Jenny is never far from my thoughts.

  2. Ray and Jenny,

    Jordan and I continue to pray for you all. We are rejoicing to hear that Jenny is doing well so far. A good nights sleep is a gift indeed. We know that there are many many unknowns ahead of you; we are so familiar with these questions and thoughts that can fill your mind. My prayer for you in this time of intense treatment is that you continue to lean into the Father who DOES know how Jenny will respond to the chemo and radiation. He knows every cell in Jenny's body, and holds her frame together. We are praying that the side effects be minimal and manageable.

    On a side note, our oncologist has always told us that most chemo takes 10 days to reach full potency in the system. I'm sure they have mentioned this to you as well. So, as you progress, you may see more effect than right away. I am always surprised when Jack has no reaction to chemo in the days directly following treatment days, and then "all of a sudden" a week later he is not feeling well. But that has just be our experience. Every body reacts differently to the meds. The good news is that God is near to you and lovingly guiding and controlling every cell and fiber in her body.

    We love you all and are praying for you!!

  3. Ray and Jenny,
    Wanted you to know that Frank and I have been praying for you and your family. Thank you, Ray, for keeping this site updated and for reminding us all of God's faithfulness.
    Love, ~Liz Ecelbarger

  4. Back in the day Jenny was the world record holder for doing the most back hand springs in a row. You can so do this Jenny! Praying daily for you!

  5. Prayers for strength and endurance and remaining in the awesome embrace of our Lord.

  6. We all loved seeing Jenny on Sunday! Our prayers will continue to be for complete healing, and now also that the Lord will keep her body strong and rested while the medicine does what it is supposed to do. It has been so encouraging to read how God has been so faithful to answer prayers along the way.
    Looking up and looking back on His faithfulness,
    The Morales Family
