Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The Generosity of Others

In today's Charlotte Observer there was an article about the Levine Cancer center, where Jenny is being treated. It made me thankful to God, for moving on the hearts of the Levine family here in Charlotte, who contributed $20 Million to get the institute started. We have certainly benefited from their generosity.


So, today I am going to try and be a little more generous with my time, with my words, and with my thoughts, maybe I can impact someone else with my generosity, like the Levine family's unselfishness has impacted our region.


  1. Ray, I have had the following verse in my heart for the last few months, and I have been praying it "over" Jenny. Ex. 14:14 "The Lord will fight for you; you have only to be still."
    I have been asking the Lord to define for me exactly what "being still" looks like in my life. I pray that He will define it for all of you as well. Bless you!~Teresa.

  2. You already are generous Ray, in your own way, which has touched many as well. We are very lucky to have people like the Levine family and the Mulligan family in our lives. So glad that news continues to be on positive side, uplifts us all.

  3. we love you all and and our daily in our prayers! thanksgiving is coming up and we often talk about that wonderful thanksgiving we kind of sorta invited ourselves over to your house and brought a burnt pecan pie.lol. fun times:) give jenny my love!
    meghann hasty
