Thursday, December 26, 2013

Changing things up a little bit...

I pray that everyone had a wonderful time with family and friends celebrating our savior's birth. I hope your Christmas was filled with peace and joy, and not too much fruitcake...

Jenny and I are at the Infusion center again today, but we made an important decision regarding treatment options: today's visit to the infusion center will be remarkably short because we have decided to stop the chemotherapy medicine and just have Jenny do a maintenance treatment of avastin. 

We spent some time this morning discussing options with Jenny's oncologist, and we all agreed that we would try the avastin only for a few sessions here and then do another MRI later in January or early in February to see if there is any activity.

What this means is that the length and side effects  of the treatments are substantially lessened ( the time in the infusion center should go from 4-5 hours to 1-2 hours) and the side effects should be minimal, so, that is all good.

We had a very nice Christmas, it was nice and quiet with all of the kids at home for a couple of meals. 

Thank you all for your continued prayers.


  1. Dear Ray and Jenny,
    Be assured of our ongoing prayers on your behalf: healing, recovery, strength, peace. May God's spirit be in your midst providing you with joy and encouragement.
    We love you two.
    ps - it was
    WONDERFUL to be with Grace at our Girls Overnight! She is precious.

  2. Fiercely praying for you...may you know God's presence and love and HEALING. Love all the Mulligans! Sheryl Chandler
