Thursday, December 5, 2013

Another Clean MRI!

Wonderful news on the MRI! There has been no growth or activity according to the latest scan. We have decided to push the next infusion back a week, so there will be no more infusions before Christmas. We'll make a decision at that point if we should stop the chemo, since the tumor has not shown any new activity, and the maximum amount of time that this particular medicine is tolerated is about 12 months, which we are quickly approaching. What an expression of God's grace that we will be able to enjoy this Christmas together.

Please pray that the results of the consultation with Duke will be clear, and that Jenny will continue to be able to tolerate the Chemo for the last few infusions. 

We are so thankful for the time with the family and the lack of advancement of the tumor. Please take the time during this busy time of year to spend a little more time enjoying those around you and spreading God's love...

We'll let you know about the Duke visit next week. 



  1. Awesome news!!! Thank you Lord. Praying for the Duke consultation...

  2. Rejoicing with you at this great news...but continuing to pray for total healing. Much prayer being lifted up concerning your Duke consultation and decision this week. May God make your path as clear as the noon day, when shadows fall away and the sun is its brightest! Peace to you, dear friends. Much love, Sheryl Chandler
