Thursday, February 20, 2014

2-20-14 Update

We are sitting in the Infusion center, waiting for the last IV bag to empty out. Never fast enough. The last few days have been a little bit of a roller coaster, on Monday Jenny was unable to get out of bed or walk without assistance, it was pretty scary. The only change was that her dosage of anti-seizure medicine had been doubled on Saturday, so we hoped that there was a correlation between the increase in dosage and the decrease in function... We based the dose back to the original level and see seems to be doing better. 

Jenny and Her Dad at the Infusion Center
She continues to take naps everyday and not have a huge amount of energy, but it looks like we are not going to have to employ the walker that a bought quite yet....

We have been blessed with having Jenny's sister Maria here on Monday, and then her mom and dad here for a few days this week. It has been a real blessing!

Thank you all for your prayers and support, and if you haven't signed up for the Brain Tumor Fund Raising race in Charlotte on March 22nd do so by clicking here.



  1. We are praying. Thank you for the updates. We care so much and want to pray for all the details you are going through. May the Lord bless Jenny and your family with His comfort and strength today.
    With love,

  2. Jenny you look great! Thanks for the updates you are all in my prayers!
