Sunday, August 4, 2013

Post Treatment Trip to the Mountains

Jenny finished her treatment on Thursday this week and then she and I ran up to the mountains to escape the August heat in Charlotte. The fact that she was able to make the trip is a testimony of God's grace on us! Below is a cheesy tourist picture of us in Blowing Rock where is was 15 degrees cooler then down here in the low lands. 

Jenny has her next MRI on the 14th and then a follow-up appointment on the 15th. We'll let you know how everything looks. Thanks as always for your prayers and support!

Ray and Jenny


  1. Thanks for taking the time to keep us all connected. Have a wonderful time.

  2. So glad Jenny was well enough to get away. I'm a Mitford fan--isn't Blowing Rock the town Mitford is modeled on? How fun! Praying for a good report on the 15th. Love, Carol

  3. Continuing to think of and pray for your family!

  4. We continue in prayer for you! You both look great! So glad you were able to cool off in Blowing Rock1 Thank you for the updates! Love you bunches! Sheryl Chandler

  5. Many hugs to you from the Morales family! We are so grateful to the Lord that you guys are still enjoying each other. Cheesy picture or not, we rejoice that you are still taking pictures together! :-) and We continue to pray for total complete healing.
    Much Love,
