Sunday, February 10, 2013

Back from Mexico, Busy Week Ahead

This was the view of the beach in Mexico! 
We had a wonderful time, it was very relaxing and a nice time together away from the cares of the world. This week is a busy one for Jenny. Tomorrow morning (2/11) we go in for an MRI in the morning. The doctors are hoping that this will provide a clearer picture of what is going on than the last one, since the last pictures were a little cloudy - due to the impact of the radiation treatments. On Wednesday (2/13) we will go in to get the results and discuss any changes in the MRI from last month. I'll let you know what we find out. Thanks for your continued care and concern!

a very tan Ray and Jenny...


  1. Gorgeous! So glad you were able to get away. You are in our prayers!

    Carol S.

  2. Isn't God good?! How wonderful to be away and focus only on each other - you two have always been good about that. May the renewal and refreshment you enjoyed provide strength for the days ahead.

    God bless you both. Please continue to keep us informed. We look to the blog regularly for updates.

    Much, much love
