Monday, November 12, 2012

One Week In...

So, we have now completed one week of the double dip of chemo and radiation, Jenny is doing great, she had her first blood tests since starting treatment, and all of her levels look good. We will be actively monitoring the white blood cells and platelet counts, to see what the impact of the Chemo and Radiation is over the six weeks of the one-two punch. The pathology did come back with an encouraging DNA "marker" that indicates that this type of cancer cell shows some better response to the treatment routine that we are following. 

Jenny's sister is back with us and the whole family is in the family room watching spider man after enjoying a really yummy meal of chicken gumbo. so, things seem somewhat normal :) Jenny has had a few headaches, and is taking a couple of naps a day, but otherwise is feeling a lot more like her pre-surgery self.  

I have been reflecting on the concept of time over the past few days, both the daily and the everlasting, taking a day at a time with the eternal in view, simultaneously. It is wonderful that God is "outside of" as well as "in control of" time as we experience it, we have such a limited view, don't we? A little sliver of forever is ours to live our earthly existence, like a sandbox on the beach of never ending... 

I was encouraged today when in my readings I saw: 

[25] Consequently, he is able to save to the uttermost those who draw near to God through him, since he always lives to make intercession for them.
(Hebrews 7:25 ESV)

I am really glad that he saves us, not just a little bit, but to the uttermost, I know that means forever, but I think it also means some every day, His grace is like little pieces of his salvation that we get to enjoy in small bit-sized morsels everyday, like breadcrumbs leading us to eternity...


  1. Beautiful. So nice to keep up with Jenny's progress!

    Mike & Dee

  2. Ray,

    I keep coming back to read these words:

    "A little sliver of forever is ours to live our earthly existence, like a sandbox on the beach of never ending..."

    What an amazing way of expressing time. I keep trying to find words to encourage you and Jenny and your family, but instead I find your words encouraging me. Despite my inability to find the right words, my thoughts and prayers are with your family each day and I trust that God has a plan in all that He allows, even when we don't understand that plan.

    I don't know about you, but I often find comfort in music, and one of the songs I find myself listening to in times of unrest is Greg Long's "In the Waiting". The chorus says:

    I want a peace beyond my understanding
    I want to feel it fall like rain
    In the middle of my hurting
    I want to feel Your arms as they surround me
    And let me know that it's okay
    To be here in this place
    Resting in the peace that only comes
    In the waiting

    I will pray for peace for your family in this time of waiting.

